April 23, 2010, Friday, Day Three

Well well well. Today wasn't as eventful. I had to stay in most of the day. But caught up on my sleep! I was very cozy on the sofa.

I had to wake up and do freelance work! yea!!!! It was fine though. I just finished up around 8pm. I did take a few snaps of Jamie's place. So you can see where I am staying.

See how excited I am to be working!
Photo 185

Here is the room I'm staying in. On the sofa. Jamie said I could sleep in her room but I figured I would sleep better if I was by myself on a sofa.
the sofa i'm sleeping on

So just outside the sitting room is a little porch. Its so cute! I wanna have lunch out there one day. After i finish this project I will do that. Me thinks.
Here is the porch in video

porch just outside sofa room

sofa room from the porch

This is Jamie's room. Its nice and sunny and you hear people talking with english accents walk by. Thats fun. The building her flat is in is huge. like you go up 2 flights of stairs to get to her flat. Then once you are in her flat there are like 3 more staircases.
jamies room

Jamie has these cool mirrors on her walls. I forget what she calls them. But i want!
jamies cool mirrors

The desk I'm doing my freelance at
jamies desk. that i'm doing work on

This is me working on Jamie's computer. Very Carrie Bradshaw!
very carrie bradshaw

Photo 186

Here is some video of the room. Her roomie had just got home and was playing silly techno beat music. The song was saying "get on the floor if you got that bootie" ..something like that.

This is my face in Jamie's room
in jamies room

So after I finished up my work around 8pm. I went to meet Jamie down in Oxford Circus. So i got there around 9? She stayed out after work to have drinks while I finished up my work.

Here is some video of the tube. Victoria Line

And this is me getting on. It was by accident. But thought it looked cool with my shoes...

So I met up with Jamie at some pub that her friends go to. This is her being silly on the street.
meeting jamie

Then. I was starving so we got a bunch of people to go get chinese food in chinatown.

So after dinner... we just went home around midnight. And ever since then I have been working on this blog entry. For some reason it took forever for the pictures to load on flickr! i'm not too tired. Darn it. I just remembered I wanted to try to stream the capitals hockey game when i got home. it must be done by now, i would think. hummm

anyway. will be waking up early to work on freelance again. i am planning on seeing miriam tomorrow. so i am very excited about that. i think we haven't seen each other in 4 years? wow! long time. anyway not sure what we will get up to yet. markets? shopping? food? we will see!


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